He was also Group Chief Executive of Jet Airways for a short tenure and has served as a consultant and advisor to the Nitto Denko Corporation in Japan. Ravi has also advised portfolio CEOs of companies across industries and served as an advisor to Marico and Emami—Indian consumer goods companies that are expanding internationally.

Ravi is a Senior Fellow in the Management Department of the Wharton School of Business and has been a Lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his BA from the University of Delhi, and Master of Management Studies from the Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Master of Management Studies.

You’ll enjoy this candid conversation between old colleagues and hear the wisdom that has impacted many leaders from Ravi’s storied career.

This is part of our Asian leaders series – hosted by P&G Alumni Emily Chang. Got an idea for a future “Learnings from Leaders” episode? Reach out at pgalumpod@gmail.com



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