Breaking news from Sonoma California at our second annual Vineyard Experience. It is with huge excitement and deep gratitude to Chip & Juliet Bergh that we announced that … every dollar donated to the Alumni Foundation will be 100% MATCHED through the end of 2024 up to $200,000!

The Bergh Match inspired a first gift at the event. SynFiny Advisors is donating $25,000 as a second match. Many thanks to SynFiny & CEO Jeff Wuest kicking things off well!

QUADRUPLE your donation now! Your donation of $100 becomes $400 with the two matches. The first $25,000 in donations have the 4X match, and the next donations up to $200,000 will be doubled!

As alums, most of us would agree that we share a common sense of gratitude for skills learned and friends made at P&G. At the P&G Alumni Foundation, this gratitude is what drives us to pay it forward. We enjoy coming together to harness the power of the P&G Alumni Network to create a global force for good—giving grants and applying our collective experience to help people in need thrive economically.

“P&G is really like family. … I am happy to support the P&G Alumni Foundation and encourage others to join me. Together, we lift up others who are in need to new sustainable employment.”

– Chip Bergh

Our grants lift up hundreds of thousands of individuals and their families. While we have come a long way, there is still much to be done. For every grant we make, there are four more waiting for funding.  Also, an Alumni Foundation grant serves as a trusted credential and multiplier for further fundraising by award recipients. One recipient told us of an 8:1 multiplier from one $20,000 award!

Donating is a way to continue P&G’s mission of improving lives in the places we live, work and serve. If you are able to add the P&G Alumni Foundation to your current giving circle, please DONATE TODAY and GET MATCHED!

Special thank you to

  1. Chip & Juliet Bergh for this amazing matching gift that will sustain grants for a year and to Chip for serving as an Honorary Guest Co-Host.
  2. Tarang Amin for serving as an Honorary Guest Co-Host and for a generous donation that just came in post our fun fundraiser from the Tarang & Hirni Amin Family.
  3. SynFiny Advisors for being the first to step up with a major matching gift of $25,000
  4. Karen Francis DeGolia for sharing her beautiful vineyard setting with us, donating all the wine for the event, and arranging an exceptional dinner perfectly paired with wines from the estate.
  5. Limerick Lane Cellars for hosting us for the Rocky Knoll tour, dinner in the 1910 historic vineyard, poolside receptions, and lovely Farmhouse accommodations.
  6. Our Event Team – Deb Kielty, Shantini Munthree, Ranu Gupta, Julie Lumgair, Diane Chen, and Sarah Woods
  7. All who attended 
  8. All who purchased wine in support of the P&G Alumni Foundation

If you would still like to purchase wine in support of the Alumni Foundation, please go to or for assistance and email with your order number to give credit for the proceeds. Additional thanks to Karen and Limerick Lane for donating 10% of the proceeds from wine sales to the P&G Alumni Foundation.

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